After Ken and I came back from Banff, we enjoyed a fairly lazy 12 days in Houston before flying home to Doha. The boys attended VBS at our old church one week and I was able to catch up with many of our friends from church. Otherwise, we just spent a lot of time hanging out with Ken's parents and the boys played with their cousins Tiffany and Alex. It was a relaxing way to end our time in the states.
Playing with Alex |
Mai wanted to take all the kids roller skating one afternoon ... we learned that our boys are NOT naturals at roller skating!!! The rink was packed when we got there and they didn't have any of those "walkers" available, so the boys had to try skating on their own ... NIGHTMARE!!! Finally some of the little "walkers" were freed up and the boys had much more fun. Tiffany was the only one who can actually manage her way around the rink without any help.
Alex was hesitant at first, but he did a great job! |
I think Jaden struggled the most. It was almost painful to watch! |
Nicholas managed a little better than Jaden, but honestly, not by much. Poor kids! |
That's Tiffany next to the wall ... the only one to skate without any help! Way to go Tiffany!! |
Watching my children on roller skates made me realize that maybe my mom was right when she bought us our first pair of roller skates and would only let us have one at a time. I remember learning to roller skate like a skate board ... one foot in a sneaker, pushing the one skate around and around in the basement. I was so upset that she wouldn't let me skate with 2 skates!!! I think she broke her arm roller skating as a child and was afraid the same would happen to us. After watching my children on 2 skates, maybe 1 skate really IS the way to go...
Snack time after roller skating |
Jaden and Nicholas with John Colunga ... their favorite babysitter. |
Jaden also wanted to get a picture with our Pastor Don and John's dad Mr. Eddie. Super cute! |
Last day at Vacation Bible School. The boys had a blast!!! |
After returning to Doha, we had nearly 3 weeks before school started. We spent a lot of that time playing at home ... the boys had missed all their toys and they have a new obsession with board games and MineCraft. We did manage to get them out of the house a couple of times ... once to go bowling and once to paint pottery with friends. By the time school was about to start, we were all ready. :-)
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bowling with Garret and Elizabeth |
Sweet little Maps also changed a lot this summer. She was a kitten when we left but we came home to a grown cat. She is less playful and has more attitude than before, but I guess I can't blame her. I'd be pretty hurt if my caretakers just took off and abandoned me for 8 weeks!!! We had someone come feed her everyday, but I'm sure she got pretty lonely with me and the kids gone so long.
Maps |
Unfortunately we also had to say goodbye to our dear friends the Verrips. The constant rotation of people is life as usual here, but some good byes are harder than others. Angela has served with me in Children's Ministry at church since February and her husband was transferred to Dubai. We already miss her and her family terribly!!!